Snow! Trail report given to me by Bernie:
"We have at the moment about 8-10" of heavy, wet snow. With the heavy wet snow then powder earlier this morning, the trails are in riderable condition. Some areas are thin cover as the wind is whipping and drifting in some areas. If we get out grooming tonight, will be grooming everything! So with that being said, people need to go slow and be safe!!
Thanks, Bernie! Looks like we got a great intro into spring.
My additional notes... it's pretty windy out there so be on the lookout for downed trees. If you see any, please let us know. Thanks! Also, remember it is spring. The snow may be covering up hazards and water bars so ride with caution. Have fun and show us your pics :)

Thank you! Glad you had a great time :)
Fabulous job this year. The trails were great. Thanks.