April 29, 2023 Landowner Appreciation Dinner
On April 29th the club held the Landowner Appreciation Dinner at DJ's restaurant in Ludlow. Landowners are the backbone of our sport and we cannot thank them enough for their generosity. We had a nice turnout, DJ's did a great job, the Sanderson family provided fresh maple syrup as gifts, Patty Companik and Cindy Yuris took photos and we had a good time. Thank you all for making the night successful.
Last but not least, we took this event as an opportunity to thank Bruce Ingerson for his over 25 years of volunteering for our sport. Patty Companik from VAST presented the VAST Trailblazer Award to Bruce. John Murphy, club president, presented to Bruce the "Lifetime Membership Award" from the club. Congratulations, Bruce! Well deserved. Thank you for the many volunteer hours you have put into our sport. Your contributions are too many to list. Also thank you to Tuula as she has been part of the journey with Bruce all of these years, too!
Photos from Patty Companik

Photos from Cindy Yuris