Who Are We?
We are a snowmobile club of volunteers who maintains all of the snowmobile trails in Ludlow, Vermont. We are supported by members, landowners, businesses and VAST.
We are grateful to all of our members, volunteers, landowners, businesses and those who support us. Without you, we'd have no snowmobiling. THANK YOU!
How Did We Get Started?
A spirited gang of hardy fun loving snowmobilers from Ludlow decided that their group had grown to such numbers that a formal organization was needed to govern their activities. On March 23rd, 1972, the Side Hill Cronchers Snowmobile Club was officially incorporated with the State of Vermont. Four Directors are listed on the Incorporation papers: Ray McCullough, David Harlow, Patricia D. Ellison and Ignatius Matulonis.

Our Purpose
It was determined that the purpose of the club was to: promote the development of recreational areas for the use of snowmobilers within the state; actively seek and support the preservation and protection of our natural environment; encourage the safe, courteous, lawful and responsible use of snowmobiles; promote participation in social activities of the membership.
What Is A Croncher Anyway?
Legend has it that the name "Side Hill Croncher" is derived from a four legged animal that inhabits the remote forested regions of Ludlow. It is reported that the Cronchers' right legs are shorter than their left legs. The shorter legs are attributed to the fact that for hundreds or thousands of years the animals have been traveling, always in a clockwise direction, on the steep hills and mountains of Ludlow and a mutation has resulted. This mutation has made it easier for the Croncher to traverse the hillsides of Ludlow. The short uphill legs allow the Croncher to run at tremendous speeds around the mountains, in fact Cronchers almost always travel at full speed, making it difficult to see them!
Listen to a cool old radio clip describes Cronchers:

We, "The Ludlow Side Hill Cronchers", could not achieve the goals outlined in our Mission Statement without substantial additional financial support. To help meet this need, and as specified in our by-laws, the Fund Raising Committee is appointed annually by our President. The committee is responsible for conducting and overseeing all fund raising activities of the Club. This includes providing guidance, assistance and support to any group or individuals that offers to help the Club by conducting a fund raising activity. We openly seek others to come forward in this regard.
Presently, the Club's major fund raising activity is an annual golf tournament typically held the Friday following Father's Day. In addition, we occasionally host chicken barbecues. Other activities are conducted as needed and as time and resources allow.
Almost all of these funds are used to groom and maintain our trail system. None of these funds are paid to our groomer operators. They, as well as those who work at clearing the trails, erecting signs, building and maintaining our bridges and culverts, etc., are ALL VOLUNTEERS. Without them, and our landowners, there would be no trails to ride on.
As you can imagine, the actual cost to maintain our trails is very high. Grooming expenses alone include the actual cost of the grooming tractor, drag, compactor, fuel and maintenance for the equipment. In addition to that, we have the added cost of bridge and culvert maintenance, signage, and other expenses.
We welcome all assistance and ideas in our fund raising activities. Anyone wishing to assist us in this endeavor such as actually conducting a fund raising activity or assist with our present activities can do so by contacting one of the committee members listed below. Our club really needs support from its members and friends in raising funds, please help if you can by donating or assisting.
Also, if you are able and wish to donate any funds to the Club, you may do so by mailing them directly to Ludlow Side Hill Cronchers at P.O. Box 222, Ludlow, Vt. 05149. Grooming is "Job One" for our club and we absolutely need additional funds beyond our membership dues to get the job done right.
Fund Raising Committee
Kibby Champlin
Melissa Benson
Rick Yuris
Tina Berge