Little bits of snow almost every day and consistent cold are letting the trails remain open in Ludlow this upcoming holiday weekend. Conditions are pretty much the same as last week. Thin, and bony, early conditions with rocks and water bars and hazards. Take it easy and be ready for the unexpected so you don't damage you or your sled.
MAKE SURE TO CHECK NEIGHBORING CLUBS' TRAIL STATUS AND REMAIN ON OPEN TRAILS ONLY. We do not want to make any landowners unhappy and get trails permanently closed. Most people are very conscious of that, and we appreciate it! It's very important.
As you can expect, trails up on Okemo 127 do have a pretty good amount of snow, whereas town (127) is pretty thin and North Hill (127A & 127B) is also thin but better than town. No trails will be groomed until we get a bit more snow.
The Jan 25 Ride-In / Safety Check Day with the Cavendish Snow Fleas at the Cavendish Cooks Shack may get postponed until Feb 1 hoping we will have more snow by then. The date is still being determined. Will confirm the date soon!
Think Snow!
