Croncher/JD55 Charity Scavenger Hunt
Croncher Power Activate!
Winners announced!
Thank YOU to all of the participants. Especially the kids :)
Let's face it. Snowmobilers are a pretty awesome set of people. Together we do great things.
We like to help out, heck we maintain a statewide set of trails as volunteers (wow!). And we definitely like to have fun. Let's put the 2 together and activate our powers.
You may have seen our Member Spotlight on Tony Giorgio and JD55 (Jack's Drive 55). We wanted to bring more awareness to JD55 and what they are doing for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation and thought a Charity Scavenger Hunt was a fun way to do it. Have fun + help kids = Awesome!
PLUS, to top it off, you may win a stylish beanie hat!
Charity Scavenger Hunt
How to Play
1) Look for signs on the Ludlow trails (see below for what they look like).
Hint1: They will mostly be near or in intersections.
2) Flip the sign over and look for "the word".
Hint2: You can take a picture of it if you don't want to have to remember it.
3) Collect all 10 words and make 2 sentences out of them.
Hint3: The North Hill side has a complete set and so does the Okemo side.
Hint4: The sentences were pulled from the Member Spotlight.
4) Once you have all 10 words come back here and submit them with your $5 donation. All those with a valid set of words will be entered to win one of the 10 beanies.
5) Entries will be accepted until Sunday, March 7 11:59PM. You can enter as many times as you wish. Each entry is $5.
6) We will do the drawings the week of 3/8.
7) We will notify the winners!
8) Proceeds will sent to JD55 to benefit the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation.
We will have 10 winners, each getting the mighty fine beanie hat below. Has the JD55 and SHC logos:
NOTES: you don't want to play, but just want to donate to JD55, you can click on the DONATE ONLY button.
Tip: You can put multiple 'products' in your cart, then check out once.
E.g. enter the raffle and do a "donate only", then check out.
This is what you're looking for on the trails:
on the back you will find your word you need to collect
Click on the logos below to find out more about them
THANK YOU for making a difference!