Joey and Chad got the Okemo side looking good! They were out last night. Thanks, guys! The North Hill side was scheduled to get done this morning but there is a unexpected snag in the plan. Hopefully, it will be out there today. Be on the lookout!
There is expected to be heavy traffic this weekend since it's President's Weekend keep speed down and ride like someone may show up around the corner at any time.
The Cook Shack will be open 11-3 in nearby Cavendish for tasty burgers and hot dogs.
Reminder: Due to Covid restrictions, the Warming Hut is closed. There are still Porta Potties there if you need them. Also, the Ludlow Country Store is closed so there is no easy gas in Ludlow anymore.
Bundle up, ride right, and enjoy the scenery!
Joey's pic from last night... Is that a heart for Valentine's Day weekend? :)
