Club Hybrid Meeting 4/24/2021
Sat, Apr 24
|Zoom Meeting & Also at the Murphy's Home
This meeting will be held both virtually and in person. Note that it is back to Saturday mornings.

Time & Location
Apr 24, 2021, 10:00 AM
Zoom Meeting & Also at the Murphy's Home
About the event
All members are welcome to join our club meeting. The meeting will a hybrid meeting where you can join either in person or via Zoom. It will be the first in person meeting in a while. Please note that since it is in person, it will be on a Saturday morning instead of the Thursdays like we were doing. Social distancing rules will apply and the meeting will be held outdoors as much as possible so dress for the weather. Meeting will be at the home of John and Wanda Murphy. Look for us in the garage. If you need directions, feel free to reach out. If you choose to join virtually, you can use the Zoom info below:
Option 1 Use Link (copy link into a browser):
Option 2 Use Zoom App:
Meeting ID: 955 0344 2535
Passcode: 115013
Option 3 One tap mobile:
+16465588656,,95503442535#,,,,*115013# US (New York)
+16465189805,,95503442535#,,,,*115013# US (New York)
Option 4 Dial In:
Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 646 518 9805 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 955 0344 2535
Passcode: 115013
See you there!