Happy Valentine's Day you snow lovers! Andrew is back in town and didn't waste any time getting out there grooming the Okemo trails for your holiday weekend. Thanks, Andrew! He also made some outstanding time-lapsed videos so you can see the report first hand.
Bernie was out there yesterday on the North Hill side. Thanks, Bernie! Trails are all 100% groomed and in good shape. The fresh snow we got this week is on top of ice so you still need to be careful but the trails are doing much better than last weekend. Now if we can fend off the rain forecasted for Friday we'll be really having some fun! Speaking of fun, check out area clubs for events. You can also find out by going to the events vtvast.org as there is a few things going on if you're interested.
Keep right and stay in control as this weekend could be busy with the holiday traffic. Been seeing and hearing about a lot of near misses.
Better than words... video reporting of Okemo today courtesy of Andrew. Great job, Andrew!